Power Projection

New BITS PDFs: Power Projection: Fleet

Power Projection Fleet

BITS are very pleased to announce that the Power Projection: Fleet has been released as a PDF, making our fusion of Traveller and Full Thrust starship combat available once more.

Purchase from DriveThruRPG.

Power Projection Fundraiser for Loren [UPDATED x2]

BITS would like to join in some of the efforts to raise funds for Loren and give something back in return...

Send a donation via Paypal to Marc Miller at Farfuture@gmail.com, marking it ‘Loren Wiseman Fundraiser - Power Projection’, and then send a copy of the transaction confirmation to webmaster@bits.org.uk.

If I receive confirmation of more than $100 in transactions, I will make the PDF of all the ships for Power Projection: Escort that were not included in Power Projection: Fleet available to download for free on 20th September 2010.

These are:

200T SDB
Broadsword Class
Chrysanthemum Class
Fer-de-Lance Class
Kinunir Class
Midu Agashaam Class

Chtierabl Class Tender
Plokl Class
Shivva Class
Vlezhdatl Class
Zhdoq Class
Zhodatl Class

These will be updated to match the Power Projection: Fleet SSDs and include Points and RCP values.

I will post updates on progress via the @BITS_Traveller Twitter feed.

UPDATE: A day left and only $11 short of the minimum at which I’ll release the PDF publicly. If you pledge to this, I will guarantee that I will send you the PDF whether or not it goes public.


Conpulsion 09 and Salute 09

BITS will be attending two conventions this coming weekend:

In the northern sector in Edinburgh, BITS will be attending Conpulsion 09 on both days running a Mongoose Traveller powered RPG scenario - "Masks" in Slot 1 and on Sunday BITS will be helping out with a game of Power Projection running over Slots 4 and 5. Avenger Enterprises will also be there running games and seminars so it will be a Traveller packed weekend. How can you stay away? Join us at Teviot Row Students Union, University of Edinburgh.

Meanwhile in Southern sector the BITS Trade Delegation will be plying their wares at Salute 09 at Excel London on Saturday . Demonstrations of At Close Quarters using the 25mm scale Starship Excalibur and our starship combat game Power Projection will be on hand to keep you Traveller Happy! Catch us at stand TH15.

Richard Talbot.

Power Projection Events, Maryland, USA

Mystic Station Designs are running another set of Power Projection demos at Balticon 41 over 25-28th May 2007. It's a great opportunity to get to know the game.

More details on the PowerProjection.net website.

BITS at Salute this weekend - 21st April 2007

BITS will be at Salute Zero Seven this weekend, 21st April 2007.

One of the biggest wargaming conventions, doors open at ExCel 10am to 5pm. The show promises to be bigger and better than last year, with entry for £9 on the day.The first 4000 entrants get a couple of free LOTR miniatures, there's an absolute pile of gaming and miniatures demonstrations, participation games and traders, ranging from Ancients to Science Fiction.
BITS will be hosting participation games of Power Projection and At Close Quarters at our trade stand (TD041 against the West wall). We'll have copies of all our products (including Cold Dark Grave) as well as a huge pile of other second-hand and new Traveller books.
We will also be taking advance orders for the new Ad Astra Traveller starship miniatures which have been specially designed for Power Projection!
BITS members will get a special discount on our products (in addition to the usual 10%) for finding our stand at the show.

Details here.

Cold Dark Grave and Power Projection: Escort now available in the USA

Mystic Station Designs have taken delivery of our new adventure "Cold Dark Grave", plus restock of Power Projection: Escort for the North American market. They have also got copies of pretty much everything we've written in the past.

Ad Astra now taking orders...

Ten Ships...
Ad Astra Games have announced that they are taking pre-orders for the first two miniatures fleet boxes for Power Projection, plus they now have the US edition of Power Projection: Fleet available to order.

More details on the Power Projection website.

Traveller Miniatures coming from Ad Astra Games

Following our announcement earlier in the week about Ad Astra Games licence to publish Power Projection, we are very pleased to bring you a preview of the Traveller miniatures range they are going to be releasing.
.Traveller Warships
The ships pictured here are the Plankwell Class Dreadnought, the Azhanti High Lightning, a Chrysathemum class Destroyer, and two Zhodani ships (a Zhdavldlitz class Light Cruiser and a Zhdiak class Light Destroyer). If you're interested in the chat about these new models, have a look at Ad Astra Games' forums.

Power Projection to be printed in the USA

Power Projection Fleet cover

BITS are proud to announce closer ties with yet another game publisher. Following on from our collaboration with Jon Tuffley at Ground Zero Games to produce our much-applauded Traveller starship combat system Power Projection, we are now beginning printing of the Power Projection: Fleet rules through Ken Burnside at Ad Astra Games in the USA.

We continue to have stock of the original UK printings of both Power Projection: Escort and Fleet, but this agreement allows us to produce and distribute the updated version of Fleet more easily in the USA. We will continue to stock and distribute the original UK printing to distributors, mail order customers and at conventions, but will replace these with the US-printed version over time.

We will only be printing Fleet at Ad Astra; though Escort is a useful, and fun, lead-in to Power Projection, the economics of printing meant it wasn't worth producing Escort in the USA: for our first out-source to Ad Astra we wanted to focus on the complete rules set in Fleet and see how it went.

We intend to collaborate further with Ken and his team at Ad Astra on future projects, just as we continue to work very closely with Jon at Ground Zero Games with our upcoming Power Projection: Reinforcements book.

Andy Lilly

Power Projection site updated

I've updated the Power Projection website to a new, more modern format in line with the BITS site, and added a free PDF download of an Escort class ship.

Saberwolf SSD

This is a conversion of the Traveller T20 Saberwolf Block 1 Fleet Destroyer into a Power Projection SSD. If you want the full details on the ship (the blurb and High Guard style stats and picture), you'll need to buy the excellent Traveller's Aide #7: Fighting Ships from RPGNow or QLI directly.

Have fun blowing things up!

Power Projection Demo (6th Jan 2007, Maryland, USA)

Kory Kaese of Mystic Station Designs has informed us that they will be running a Power Projection demo game in the USA.
A summary of the event:

On 6 January 2007 Mystic Station Designs, LLC will be hosting a Traveller Power Projection Event at Brunswick Games Day in Brunswick
Maryland. For directions to Brunswick Games Day see their site at:

The event will begin at
2.00p.m. with an overview of the rules for Escort and depending on the attendance will conclude with the event entitled: Long Shot. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

There will be a second Power Projection event hosted by MSD in January 2007. I will let everyone know asap.

Managing Member
Mystic Station Designs, LLC

Power Projection Demo (16th Dec 2006, Virginia, USA) UPDATED TIME

Kory Kaese of Mystic Station Designs has informed us that they will be running a Power Projection demo game in the USA.
A summary of the event:

On 16 December 2006 Mystic Station Designs, LLC will be hosting a Traveller Power Projection at Game Parlor Woodbridge, Virginia. For directions to Game Parlor Woodbridge please see their site at: http://www.gameparlor.com/

The event will begin at
5.00p.m. with an overview of the rules for Escort and depending on the attendance will conclude with the event entitled: Standoff. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Managing Member
Mystic Station Designs, LLC

Power Projection Demo (Virginia USA)

Kory Kaese of Mystic Station Designs has informed us that they will be running another Power Projection demo game at Game Parlor in the USA.
A summary of the event:
On 11th November 2006 Mystic Station Designs, LLC will be hosting a Traveller Power Projection game at Game Parlor, Woodbridge, Virginia. For directions to Game Parlor, Woodbridge please see their site at: http://www.gameparlor.com/ The event will begin at 5.00pm with an overview of the rules for Escort and depending on the attendance will conclude with the event entitled: Blockade Runner. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Managing Member
Mystic Station Designs, LLC

Furnace & Game Parlor this weekend

I will be at Furnace in Sheffield this weekend, running a Traveller game on Sunday afternoon. This will be a playtest of a scenario I've been working on called 'This Fear of Gods'.

If you're in the USA, Mystic Station are running a Power Projection demo at Game Parlor Woodbridge, Virginia. Details can be found in the blog entry on 7th October 2006.


BITS Webmaster