New BITS PDFs: Power Projection: Fleet
BITS are very pleased to announce that the Power Projection: Fleet has been released as a PDF, making our fusion of Traveller and Full Thrust starship combat available once more.
Purchase from DriveThruRPG.
New BITS PDFs: 'Tis the season to be Jolly...
BITS are very pleased to announce that the last six books in the 101 Series (Lifeforms, Patrons, Plots, Rendezvous, Religions and Travellers) have been released as PDFs, as well as our skirmish rule set At Close Quarters.

The intention of all the BITS supplements is to provide quick-to-access resources for the harassed Traveller Referee, fleshing out the worlds and people that your adventurers encounter, with plenty of ideas for adventure sessions, sub-plots and red herrings. The 101 Series has been out of print for some time and have never - legitimately - been available as PDFs before.
For a dose of extra seasonal jolliness, you can pick up the all the 101 Series supplements released to PDF in one reduced-price bundle, saving 20%!
We plan to release the remainder of the BITS back catalogue (such as our adventure books and Power Projection) over the coming months. Check back here or follow @BITS_Traveller on Twitter to be kept up-to-date on our plans
Buy the reduced price bundle of ten 101 Books (does not include At Close Quarters)
Buy 101 Lifeforms
Buy 101 Patrons
Buy 101 Plots
Buy 101 Rendezvous
Buy 101 Religions
Buy 101 Travellers
Buy At Close Quarters
These PDFs are the original BITS products and so you’ll find the older ones don’t mention Mongoose or even GURPS Traveller (we released the first 101’s just after Imperium Games launched T4!) In addition, Mongoose are pulling together the 101’s into larger books: 101 Cargos, 101 Starcrews and 101 Travellers form the core of the first of these, Supplement 13: Starport Encounters.
New BITS 101 PDFs - How's your Corporate Governance?
101 Governments and 101 Corporations are now available for purchase and download. These are excellent resources for the harassed Referee, with plenty of ideas that can spark an adventure session off. They have been out of print for some time and have never - legitimately - been available as PDFs before.
We plan to release all the 101 Books in this format, along with most of the remaining back catalogue such as At Close Quarters and Power Projection over the coming months. Check back here or follow @BITS_Traveller on Twitter to be kept up-to-date on our plans
Buy 101 Corporations
Buy 101 Governments
BITS 101 Series releasing as PDFs - Need are Cargo moving? We've got a ship and crew for that!
101 Cargos and 101 Starcrews are now available for purchase and download. These represent the first and last 101 Books released and are excellent resources for the harassed Referee. They have been out of print for some time and have never - legitimately - been available as PDFs before.
We plan to release all the 101 Books in this format, along with most of the remaining back catalogue such as At Close Quarters and Power Projection over the coming months. Check back here or follow @BITS_Traveller on Twitter to be kept up-to-date on our plans.
Buy 101 Cargos
Buy 101 Starcrews
BITS Webshop Back Online
eBay cause (temporary) demise of BITS Webshop!
Thank you for your patience.
The BITS Team.
BITS Products back in Stock
We've had a limited restock of most of our titles, which are suitable for use with Mongoose Traveller, and most other editions. You can find them at our eBay webshop here.
Traveller: Universe now available directly from BITS
Peter Trevor's Traveller: Universe can now be purchased directly from BITS via our webshop on eBay.
Full details about Universe can be found here.
Review of 101 Patrons
You can read the review here. We love to know about reviews of products (bad or good), so please feel free to let us know if you see any, or produce a review yourself. have also reviewed GDW's MegaTraveller Rebellion Sourcebook and the Classic Traveller Double Adventure Chamax Plague/Horde recently.
If you'd like us to post links to reviews to Traveller products other than the BITS ones here in the future, just let us know through the comments.
Ad Astra now taking orders...

Ad Astra Games have announced that they are taking pre-orders for the first two miniatures fleet boxes for Power Projection, plus they now have the US edition of Power Projection: Fleet available to order.
More details on the Power Projection website.
Limited Number of copies of 'Cold Dark Grave' available from our Webshop
If you do happen to buy a copy and like it, please feel free to review it at one of the online RPG sites like
Here's the quick description I posted in the comments when I first announced the release:
Cold Dark Grave is set in Yres, in the Regina subsector, one of the two systems involved in the last battle of the Fourth Frontier War. The characters all work for a belt mining company which is struggling through the post Fifth Frontier War depression. A job offer they can't afford to ignore comes along and events ensure.
This is a predominantly space based adventure set in the Classic Era. The scenario has been one of our most popular at cons over the last two years.
'Cold Dark Grave' released [updated]

The latest book from BITS was released at Conception 2007 this weekend. The photo above is by Neil Ford (thanks Neil!), and shows some of the physical copies we received in time for the show. News on distribution and availability to follow. 'Cold Dark Grave' is an adventure set in the Spinward Marches after the Fifth Frontier War.
UPDATE: The copies shown here are the initial smaller run we do before the main release, so we only have a limited number as yet. I'll update here as soon as I have more.
Traveller Universe & GnomeTrader
In the mean time, Traveller: Universe is still available and costs £15 plus postage. Please use the contact form on this site to let us know you are after a copy and I will forward your enquiry to Peter himself, who will arrange for payment and shipping.
Apologies for any Inconvenience.
Dom (BITS Webmaster)
Review of 101 Starcrews
If you know of any other reviews of BITS products (beyond those on Freelance Traveller), let us know through an email or the comments on this blog.
Sneak Peek....
It was modelled by Nick Bradbeer, and shows the ship before any textures or details are added.
Reviews of BITS products
I'd like to be able to get some impartial reviews linked from the pages that describe our products here on the site. If you know of any reviews, please feel free to send me the URLs using the contact page. If you're feeling incredibly generous, and own the BITS products yourself, please consider reviewing them for one of the sites on the web like and Freelance Traveller and let us know the links. We can't offer anything but thanks - and a link to your review - for this, but you will be helping to raise the awareness of BITS and Traveller!
PS I know that most of the books are reviewed on JTAS, but this is a subscription website, so not available to people generally!
Two Steps forward, One Back...
However, as ever, we get those little challenges. Neil has been slaving away, painting the miniatures for me to photograph for Power Projection: Reinforcements, and everything was going brilliantly for a handover this weekend at Continuum. And then the varnish incident happened. Unfortunately, this has turned all the minis white, putting us back a couple of weeks. So, we have 'the wrong kind of varnish on the minis', much like the famous British Rail quote, 'the wrong kind of leaves on the tracks'. Fortunately, we have ways to recover the overall programme, but sadly not Neil's time. The minis are now being stripped off and restarted...
The newsletter is also being proofed at the moment, so expect to see that soon if you are a BITS member.
BITS eBay Webshop Re-stocked.
Our eBay webshop, AncientTomesUK, is now restocked with 101 Corporations and Power Projection: Escort after they have now been reprinted. If you are a BITS member, don't forget to contact Richard via the eBay messaging system to give him your details. He will verify these and then apply your discount when he invoices.
Dom (BITS Webmaster)
Two entries in Warehouse 23 Top 10
We've also added a handy page that lists the places you can get BITS books from. You'll notice that a couple of our books are out of stock at our eBay store. We've not discontinued them - rather, they are being reprinted and we haven't had them back from the print shop yet. However, some of the other stores still have them.
US availability of BITS products
UPDATE - Warehouse 23 is now restocked.