
Conpulsion 09 and Salute 09

BITS will be attending two conventions this coming weekend:

In the northern sector in Edinburgh, BITS will be attending Conpulsion 09 on both days running a Mongoose Traveller powered RPG scenario - "Masks" in Slot 1 and on Sunday BITS will be helping out with a game of Power Projection running over Slots 4 and 5. Avenger Enterprises will also be there running games and seminars so it will be a Traveller packed weekend. How can you stay away? Join us at Teviot Row Students Union, University of Edinburgh.

Meanwhile in Southern sector the BITS Trade Delegation will be plying their wares at Salute 09 at Excel London on Saturday . Demonstrations of At Close Quarters using the 25mm scale Starship Excalibur and our starship combat game Power Projection will be on hand to keep you Traveller Happy! Catch us at stand TH15.

Richard Talbot.

SABRE 2009 Con Report

BITS were asked along to this small con in St Andrews to run some games and I duly attended armed with a scenario or two as I needed something to replace the Traveller fix I would have got from attending Travcon.

SABRE (St Andrews Big Roleplaying Event) is a cosy mini con over 2 days with daily numbers of about 50 held within the confines of the Students Union of that most Ancient University. Apart from RPG's, a mix of CCG's and wargaming seemed to be the agenda for the day.

Invited by local shop-owner, David Wright, himself about to open the new games shop Kingdom of Adventure in nearby Kirkcaldy, SABRE turned out to be a pleasant event with a very relaxed atmosphere.

Built around a single 6 hour timeslot this gave me the opportunity to run some longer adventures and after discussion with the players opted for a session of "Masks", a self written scenario set in the Fifth Frontier War.

The players started off well until the first encounter when the tenets of their religion seemed to be overshadowed by the need to shoot things! Needless to say this put the scenario on a whole new level but with some skilled ideas and a healthy dose of hilarity the players worked their back round to the main objective.

Added to the excellent playing abilities of Sian, William, Caz, Miles, Chris and Emma was the buffet lunch provided with the ticket price of £5.00. Fuelled by the food the players wrapped up the scenario in good time for the close of SABRE at 6pm. If only for the frequent rolling of 1's and 2's on the dice and the demolition of an entire farm by home made nitrate explosives, this session will be fondly remembered.

I couldn't make the Sunday event but will be placing myself in the fray next year at SABRE 2010 for more fun and food!"

Richard Talbot

Scenario Playtest (16th Dec 2006, Edinburgh) CANCELLED

UPDATED: Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled as Richard is unwell. Hopefully, another date will be arranged in the future. Our apologies.

"You've been loyal, hard working, god fearing farming folk all your years. But something just ain't right. Maybe it's this war, all that violence. Your dreams haven't been good these past few weeks, nope, something just ain't right" 
"Masks", as previewed at Dragonmeet, sets the players in the middle of the Fifth Frontier War as the Zhodani (psionic humans) prepare to invade your planet. But the dreams have been bad, very bad... (6 slots free, 4 hr adventure)
Richard Talbot will be playtesting this new scenario at ORC Edinburgh at 13.00 hrs on 16th December 2006. 6 players required.  If you fancy coming along drop Richard an email.

Scenario Playtest (16th December 2006, Edinburgh)

"You've been loyal, hard working, god fearing farming folk all your years. But something just ain't right. Maybe it's this war, all that violence. Your dreams haven't been good these past few weeks, nope, something just ain't right"  
Masks sets the players in the middle of the Fifth Frontier War as the Zhodani (psionic humans) prepare to invade your planet. But the dreams have been bad, very bad... (6 slots free, 4 hr adventure)
Richard Talbot will be playtesting this new scenario at ORC Edinburgh at 13.00 hrs on 16th December 2006. 6 players required.  If you fancy coming along drop Richard an email.