Power Projection: Escort SSDs now available
Thursday 23 September 2010 Filed in: News

Thanks to the generosity of Power Projection fans who raised $203.23 towards Loren’s medical expenses, we are happy to make all the missing SSDs from Power Projection: Escort, updated for use with Power Projection: Fleet available as free PDF downloads with immediate effect. You can download them from the shipyard page here.
2nd Fundraiser for Loren from Ad Astra
Wednesday 15 September 2010 Filed in: News
Ad Astra Games have announced the following:
Until September 30th, half of the purchase price of the following items will be donated to Loren Wiseman to help him recoup his medical expenses after his heart attack and bypass surgery. We wish Loren a speedy recovery, and thank you (and the people who generously let us sell their material for this sale) for helping it happen.
Power Projection: Fleet
Voidstriker Fleet Box
Nexus Journal #1
All Traveller Spaceship Minis
Remember, we're also holding a discounted shipping window on all items from our ship...so act soon!
Ken Burnside
BITS are supporting this through the Power Projection: Fleet sale.
Until September 30th, half of the purchase price of the following items will be donated to Loren Wiseman to help him recoup his medical expenses after his heart attack and bypass surgery. We wish Loren a speedy recovery, and thank you (and the people who generously let us sell their material for this sale) for helping it happen.
Power Projection: Fleet
Voidstriker Fleet Box
Nexus Journal #1
All Traveller Spaceship Minis
Remember, we're also holding a discounted shipping window on all items from our ship...so act soon!
Ken Burnside
BITS are supporting this through the Power Projection: Fleet sale.
Want the PP:Escort ships? Fundraiser for Loren [UPDATED x2]
Friday 10 September 2010 Filed in: News
You may not be aware, but Loren Wiseman – one of the founders of GDW and the man who was responsible for Traveller’s continued existence at Steve Jackson Games after Imperium Games imploded – has had a heart attack and is presently in hospital.
As a freelancer, this has hit him hard financially in terms of medical fees and his ability to work.
As a result, BITS would like to join in some of the efforts to raise funds for Loren and give something back in return...
Send a donation via Paypal to Marc Miller at Farfuture@gmail.com, marking it ‘Loren Wiseman Fundraiser - Power Projection’, and then send a copy of the transaction confirmation to webmaster@bits.org.uk.
If I receive confirmation of more than $100 in transactions, I will make the PDF of all the ships for Power Projection: Escort that were not included in Power Projection: Fleet available to download for free on 20th September 2010.
These are:
200T SDB
Broadsword Class
Chrysanthemum Class
Fer-de-Lance Class
Kinunir Class
Midu Agashaam Class
Chtierabl Class Tender
Plokl Class
Shivva Class
Vlezhdatl Class
Zhdoq Class
Zhodatl Class
These will be updated to match the Power Projection: Fleet SSDs and include Points and RCP values.
I will post updates on progress via the @BITS_Traveller Twitter feed.
UPDATE: A day left and only $11 short of the minimum at which I’ll release the PDF publicly. If you pledge to this, I will guarantee that I will send you the PDF whether or not it goes public.
Other ways you can help:
If you want to help him out as a thank you for all the things he has done to support Traveller in the past, you could buy some of his Traveller material published at RPGNow.
Alternatively, Marc Miller is selling some reprints of CT as a fundraiser. Details can be found here on COTI.
As a freelancer, this has hit him hard financially in terms of medical fees and his ability to work.
As a result, BITS would like to join in some of the efforts to raise funds for Loren and give something back in return...
Send a donation via Paypal to Marc Miller at Farfuture@gmail.com, marking it ‘Loren Wiseman Fundraiser - Power Projection’, and then send a copy of the transaction confirmation to webmaster@bits.org.uk.
If I receive confirmation of more than $100 in transactions, I will make the PDF of all the ships for Power Projection: Escort that were not included in Power Projection: Fleet available to download for free on 20th September 2010.
These are:
200T SDB
Broadsword Class
Chrysanthemum Class
Fer-de-Lance Class
Kinunir Class
Midu Agashaam Class
Chtierabl Class Tender
Plokl Class
Shivva Class
Vlezhdatl Class
Zhdoq Class
Zhodatl Class
These will be updated to match the Power Projection: Fleet SSDs and include Points and RCP values.
I will post updates on progress via the @BITS_Traveller Twitter feed.
UPDATE: A day left and only $11 short of the minimum at which I’ll release the PDF publicly. If you pledge to this, I will guarantee that I will send you the PDF whether or not it goes public.
Other ways you can help:
If you want to help him out as a thank you for all the things he has done to support Traveller in the past, you could buy some of his Traveller material published at RPGNow.
Alternatively, Marc Miller is selling some reprints of CT as a fundraiser. Details can be found here on COTI.