Aug 2007
The Sword Worlds fleet...
Thursday 23 August 2007 Filed in: Products

OK, the picture is very, very small, but here is a first sneak picture of the GZG models we are planning to use for the Sword Worlds fleet. Nick Bradbeer has started to assemble some of them here. There are a couple of ships missing (a battle cruiser and two smaller jump tenders) but this is the line up we are looking at. Not sure how many will make it to Power Projection: Reinforcements, but hopefully quite a few. The ships are all NSL or UNSC.
GenCon UK and TravCon 08
Sunday 19 August 2007 Filed in: Conventions
Details of both these conventions have been posted on the main BITS website. GenCon UK is at the end of this month, and TravCon 08 is in March 2008. We are planning to run Power Projection at both, and hope to see you there!
BITS Newsletter Power Projection Goodies
Sunday 05 August 2007 Filed in: News
Just a quick note to say that the latest issue of the BITS newsletter is now available for members and includes a page of material on Power Projection by Nick Bradbeer. This includes some of the optional rules like low power batteries and ship fragility that we propose to include in Power Projection: Reinforcements.