Links to Other Sites
BITS UK Limited
BITS is the publisher of Power Projection. Based in the UK, BITS is a small publisher licensed to support the Traveller RPG in all its forms. This link is to the main website which gives details on how to buy our products, including Power Projection. We also sell a set of Traveller skirmish rules called 'At Close Quarters'.
Ground Zero Games Limited
GZG are first and foremost manufacturers of excellent miniatures and the publisher of the excellent Full Thrust starship miniatures rules which formed the inspiration for Power Projection. After you've bought a copy of Power Projection, why not go and buy some 'Fleet Packs' of their excellent starship miniatures.
Far Future Enterprises
This is the home of Traveller on the internet. Marc Miller originally developed Traveller at Game Designer's Workshop, and still holds the rights to the game. Classic edition Traveller is available in print and on CD-ROM, and MegaTraveller is available on CD-ROM.
Ad Astra Games
Ad Astra Games are publishing Power Projection in the USA, and also have the new Traveller miniatures licence. They also have other great products like Attack Vector: Tactical.
Starship Combat News
The place to find out about starship combat games on the internet!