Power Projection: Fleet now in PDF
Thursday 31 July 2014
Power Projection: Fleet is now available from RPGNow as a PDF, finally!
Power Projection in PDF
Sunday 01 January 2012
We’re now exploring the potential of making Power Projection more widely available in PDF. However, this involves recovering the file from an old version of Quark into a current version of InDesign, which may end up being quicker if we restart. Drop us an email if this is of interest...
The Sword Worlds fleet...
Thursday 23 August 2007

OK, the picture is very, very small, but here is a first sneak picture of the GZG models we are planning to use for the Sword Worlds fleet. Nick Bradbeer has started to assemble some of them here. There are a couple of ships missing (a battle cruiser and two smaller jump tenders) but this is the line up we are looking at. Not sure how many will make it to Power Projection: Reinforcements, but hopefully quite a few. The ships are all NSL or UNSC.
RCP values for Power Projection: Escort ships
Saturday 21 April 2007
I have added a definitive list of the correct RCP (relative computing power) values for all ships from Power Projection: Escort to the FAQ. However, to save you time...
Broadsword Mercenary Cruiser RCP 2
Chrysanthemum Destroyer Escort RCP 3
Chtierabl Transport RCP 2
Fer-de-Lance Destroyer Escort RCP 3
Kinunir Colonial Cruiser RCP 2
Midu Agashaam Destroyer RCP 3
Plokl Escort RCP3
Shivva Patrol Frigate RCP 2
Viper System Defense Boat RCP 3
Vlezhdatl Pocket Strike Cruiser RCP2
Zhodatl Missile Boat RCP2
Zhodq SDB RCP3
Broadsword Mercenary Cruiser RCP 2
Chrysanthemum Destroyer Escort RCP 3
Chtierabl Transport RCP 2
Fer-de-Lance Destroyer Escort RCP 3
Kinunir Colonial Cruiser RCP 2
Midu Agashaam Destroyer RCP 3
Plokl Escort RCP3
Shivva Patrol Frigate RCP 2
Viper System Defense Boat RCP 3
Vlezhdatl Pocket Strike Cruiser RCP2
Zhodatl Missile Boat RCP2
Zhodq SDB RCP3
New Power Projection Ship (Escort size) available for Download.
Wednesday 18 April 2007
I have added a new ship SSD onto the downloads page. It is a small (400dT) armoured jump capable corvette ideal for shipping escort on mains. It was originally designed when the CT-Starships mailing list was set up as a proof of concept anti-missile boat vessel for some test battles. Enjoy!
A Short, Glorious, Death?
Wednesday 11 April 2007
We're in some very early alpha tests of the designs that were submitted for Power Projection: Reinforcements, and have come across some 'interesting' aspects of the TL12 Vargr and Sword Worlds designs. The challenge was aptly described by Nick Bradbeer, who is acting as head design munchkin on Reinforcements. I'll paraphrase one of Nick's comments in email here:
The TL-12 to TL-15 gap is *really* severe. The extra RCP (computer power), combined with having the power to get Agility -1 means the TL-15 Imperials are shooting from three rows higher than the (TL-12) Vargr or Swordies when using secondary weapons. Crucially, if the Imps aren't tied down by the need to protect something slow, they can retrograde and just blow the hell out of the other guys with long range spinal and missile fire.
Now, the canonista in me knows that this is an accurate representation of what happens when a High Guard derived TL-15 force engages a TL-12 fleet. However, the game designer in me sees this as a bad thing because it would really suck to play the Sword Worlds forces.
We thought the quick and dirty way to address this would be to move to use the Trillion Credit Squadron credit exchange rates (PP:F Table 26 on page 48), but these only give a 15% advantage to the TL-12 forces, while initial numerical calculations suggest that the TL-15 advantage may be 50 to 100% in cost terms.
Anyway, we're going to be asking for some volunteers to play with some of the designs (we'll provide a scenario and SSDs), probably under a non-disclosure agreement to see what you feel about the new ships. I'll post details here and on the Yahoo! Group when we're ready to move forward.
The TL-12 to TL-15 gap is *really* severe. The extra RCP (computer power), combined with having the power to get Agility -1 means the TL-15 Imperials are shooting from three rows higher than the (TL-12) Vargr or Swordies when using secondary weapons. Crucially, if the Imps aren't tied down by the need to protect something slow, they can retrograde and just blow the hell out of the other guys with long range spinal and missile fire.
Now, the canonista in me knows that this is an accurate representation of what happens when a High Guard derived TL-15 force engages a TL-12 fleet. However, the game designer in me sees this as a bad thing because it would really suck to play the Sword Worlds forces.
We thought the quick and dirty way to address this would be to move to use the Trillion Credit Squadron credit exchange rates (PP:F Table 26 on page 48), but these only give a 15% advantage to the TL-12 forces, while initial numerical calculations suggest that the TL-15 advantage may be 50 to 100% in cost terms.
Anyway, we're going to be asking for some volunteers to play with some of the designs (we'll provide a scenario and SSDs), probably under a non-disclosure agreement to see what you feel about the new ships. I'll post details here and on the Yahoo! Group when we're ready to move forward.
Power Projection: Escort Ship for Download
Monday 15 January 2007
I'm finding myself awake at unusual times at the moment after the birth of my son, so I've killing some of the time by converting designs into Power Projection. I'm dropping them onto PDFs as a practice for when work starts in vengeance on Power Projection: Reinforcements' graphics. First up is a conversion of a Fleet Destroyer from QLI's excellent Traveller's Aide #7: Fighting Ships. If you're into starship battles you should consider this book as it presents many Solomani Rim War Era Imperial designed ships (which could be used on both sides of a conflict) and are easily convertible to Power Projection. And all for $5. RPG Now have the book available.

Click on the icon above to be taken to the Shipyard to download the design. Enjoy! I'm not certain what ship I'll do next, but I'm tempted by the Huron Class Bombardment Cruiser thanks to the picture shown on the front of Traveller 1248.

Click on the icon above to be taken to the Shipyard to download the design. Enjoy! I'm not certain what ship I'll do next, but I'm tempted by the Huron Class Bombardment Cruiser thanks to the picture shown on the front of Traveller 1248.