Play Aids & Counters

This page holds material designed to make your Power Projection games go more smoothly. All files are Acrobat PDFs unless otherwise stated.
~157k, PDF. To access enter the name of the Imperial Admiral on page 1 of Power Projection: Fleet. Thanks to Mark Siefert.
Turning Circle & Sand Sheet ~860k PDF, from Power Projection: Lite / Escort.
Nuclear Detonation and ships ~620k PDF, from Power Projection: Lite / Escort.
Nuclear Detonation and missile salvos ~686k PDF, from Power Projection: Fleet, revised version of Escort copy with no ships.
~175k PDF, from Power Projection: Fleet.
~72k PDF, from Power Projection: Fleet.
Zipped Vector Graphic, ~106k, Adobe Illustrator 7.0+, SSD Icons.
Zipped Vector Graphic, ~192k, Encapsulated Postscipt (EPS) v7.0+, SSD Icons.
Zipped Bitmap, ~208k, TIFF - no preview, SSD Icons.
Zipped TTF files & docs, ~175k, Windows or MacOS X 10.3+. Thanks to Steve Osmanski.
(~25k PDF) Lookup table for threshold checks vs massed systems.