Written by Timothy Collinson, this is the definitive guide to Traveller publications.
The Traveller Bioliography
Massively expanded from the previous edition, this (the 3rd edition) contains nearly 2,000 items and every era of Traveller, alternate universes and even Cepheus Engine. Detailing books, supplements, fiction, miniatures and memorabilia from the first 40 years of Traveller, this bibliography contains every item known to the grand librarian of Traveller, Timothy Collinson.
It has four indexes (author, date, publisher & title) and in the future we hope to bring you even more detailed subject indexes (although this PDF is, of course, fully searchable). Hopefully it will help fans know what’s out there (albeit some items are long out of print), which books connect with others, and where to find those obscure references to ships, worlds or adventures.
Included are:
◦ Title
◦ Author, Publisher and Date
◦ Size (pages), format and content type (e.g. maps, tables, diagrams, illustrations, glossary, etc.)
◦ A bulleted list of the main contents (separate components, as well as what's in the main publication, including rules, ships, main characters, etc.)
◦ A text description of the item, often personalised by Timothy Collinson
We hope this will be a valuable addition to every Traveller's bookshelf, whether you want to find the origin of an obscure Traveller text, learn what freebie was distributed at the UK TravCon convention in 2010, or search for which book has the details of a particular world or subsector.
Happy Travelling!
ISBN N/A, 336 pages, A4 format. © 2017.