Written by Timothy Collinson, these two volumes are the ultimate Traveller reference books...
The Traveller Bibliography
Ever wondered just what or where "Wabor-Parn" is? This updated version of The Traveller Bibliography provides information on hundreds of Traveller products! It covers five different editions of the game, from the original little black books of Classic Traveller through to GURPS Traveller (cut off date is November 1999). Rulebooks, supplements, adventures, boxed games are all included, described and indexed by author, era, type, publisher and title. Each item has details of title, author, publisher, date of release, format, number of pages and comments on usefulness and contents...
ISBN 1-901228-10-X, 60 pages, A4 format, written by Timothy Collinson ©1997, 1999.
The Periodical Bibliography
Following on from the popular Traveller Bibliography, Timothy Collinson has produced another excellent volume. This time, indexes and item information are provided for the five main Traveller magazines: the original Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society and its 'Best of', the Traveller Digest and MegaTraveller Journal, the Traveller Chronicle (from the New Era), the JTAS editions for T4, and the Traveller Material in GDW's Challenge Magazine. Nearly 900 articles are fully indexed by keyword and author, and have similar descriptions and details to those presented in the original Traveller Bibliography.
ISBN 1-901228-15-0, 68 pages, A4 format, written by Timothy Collinson ©2000.