TravCon 2024 (and news of TravCon 2025)
TravCon UK hasn't happened since the pandemic hit, but it was back in October 2024. This was a trial to see if there interest in the convention going forward, so only a limited number of folks got invites for the weekend. Although accommodation was at Redwings like in previous years, the main gaming was held a few miles away at Alconbury Village Hall. As well as the games and bring and buy sale, we were privileged to have Matthew Sprange and Isabella Treccani-Chinelli attend and share some of Mongoose Publishings plans for Traveller now that the ownership rights have transferred from Marc Miller.
There's a great write up from Timothy Collinson at Freelance Traveller.
Dom Mooney also posted a write up on his blog.
Plans are now underway for TravCon UK 2025, which will be held in the second half of the year.
North Star 8 - SF TTRPG convention in May 2025
While you wait for the announcement of the next TravCon date, you may be interested in North Star, the UK's only tabletop roleplaying convention dedicated to science fiction roleplaying games. Organised by several BITS members, and very much Traveller friendly, North Star is now in its eighth iteration and will be held on 10th/11th May 2025. The website is here:
Information from the organisers:
Come and play out amazing stories amongst the stars for a full weekend of tabletop Science Fiction RPGs. Avoid Imperial entanglements, set phasers to stun, survive the dark between the stars, or join the crew of the Free Trader Beowulf; whatever path you choose, enjoy some time away in other worlds and new realities for a full weekend.
The gathering will have a number of gaming slots over the weekend, all run at The Garrison Hotel in Sheffield, UK.
The hyperspace coordinates are programmed in, so join us on a voyage to adventure! Your passage to this specialist TTRPG SF gaming can be booked from our Registration page.
The thumming heart of our gaming are the games that our attendees will bring to run! There will be five slots of full on SF RPGs over the weekend. Tell us about the game you want to run via our Games page.
The Galaxy Calls.
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